"Art is the process or product of deliberately arranging elements in a way to affect the senses or emotions. It encompasses a diverse range of human activities, creations, and modes of expression"
To me, ART is any object that was created and will be created, and that has the posibility to change your emotion, to creat an emotion or just leave you speechles! Art is both "good" (is accepeted by all as art) and "bad" ( it is considered the oposite of art, or a failure...like a very bad and ungly painting), in my opinion, even "bad" art should still be art because of the feelings it causes, not because it was made properly or is estetic.
To me art is everything that surrounds us...and no matter if you are a good artist or a bad artist, aspiring artist or dreaming to be an artist....YOU are an artist because you creat art that changes your mood, your emotion!!! Even if others don't understand, or don't see the message, the ideea or the briliance behing your art...it is important that you understand....
Art to me, can be a lot of things: a diary, food, a flower, my flower, a very bad movie, picture, paiting, a song, the weather...yes, i consider art to be the entire univers...because it changes how we see things, even for just a second!
Paradox... Infinite laturi opuse intr-o singura entitate.. Suprarealism-avangardist cu note subtile de romantism si realism Simbolism absurd si de neinteles....Haos, irationalitate, infantilism si alte -isme...
sâmbătă, 31 iulie 2010
joi, 29 iulie 2010
Soul mates...
He seemed like an ordinary teenage boy because no one knew of his obsession...
Ever since he could remember He had this cylinder lock. He, or his parents, or anyone who knew him, could not remember where it appeared from and why...but he kept it under his pillow and every time he wondered about it's origins and it's purpose. He would spend hours looking at it, trying to find a clue about it, or even something weird about it, but it was just an old, rusty and regular cylinder lock....
One day, the boy was walking home from school and almost got hit by car, luckily a girl warned him just in time. He couldn't help but feel attracted to the girl that saved him, so he offered to buy her a drink as a "thank you".
While they were talking about the weather, news, and other subjects that did not say too much about ones personality, He realized he felt odd. He felt like he knew her, like He could guess her every move or thought. He payed closer attention...and He was right! He could guess her every move and every word She was going to say and. much more then this, he noticed that she was studying him as well, searching for the same answer: "Do I know this person?"
He decided to come clean...he explained what He noticed and found out She noticed that as well...there was silence between them for a brief moment....it was time to say goodbye.
Almost a month has passed since the encounter with the girl and he could not stop thinking of her, and what was weird is that every time he thought about the girl he also remembered about the lock he had ever since he could have memories. He felt like he was in the middle of something, but could not quite guess what... He tried hard to remember every little detail about the girl and their meeting. He thought about it night and day, until he remembered : she had a necklace....a necklace with a key...not just any key, a rusty old key that might just ...NO....that fits in the lock!!!! "
What could this mean?"
And in that very moment she entered the room, holding the key, guessing...knowing what He was thinking...
They've put the key in the lock and turned it and with a screeching sound it opened to revel a picture of a bride and groom...they were the bride and groom and they knew...it was love...love that transcended through time, love that survived each generation...a love so strong that could never die...So they did the obvious and got married!
After only one year of marriage they managed to change the entire world with their love, they did a lot of good and some say that their love was so strong it stopped hunger, war and poverty....some say that their love was God itself and other say that their love echoed in the whole Univers...
but that is just a tale...
Ever since he could remember He had this cylinder lock. He, or his parents, or anyone who knew him, could not remember where it appeared from and why...but he kept it under his pillow and every time he wondered about it's origins and it's purpose. He would spend hours looking at it, trying to find a clue about it, or even something weird about it, but it was just an old, rusty and regular cylinder lock....
One day, the boy was walking home from school and almost got hit by car, luckily a girl warned him just in time. He couldn't help but feel attracted to the girl that saved him, so he offered to buy her a drink as a "thank you".
While they were talking about the weather, news, and other subjects that did not say too much about ones personality, He realized he felt odd. He felt like he knew her, like He could guess her every move or thought. He payed closer attention...and He was right! He could guess her every move and every word She was going to say and. much more then this, he noticed that she was studying him as well, searching for the same answer: "Do I know this person?"
He decided to come clean...he explained what He noticed and found out She noticed that as well...there was silence between them for a brief moment....it was time to say goodbye.
Almost a month has passed since the encounter with the girl and he could not stop thinking of her, and what was weird is that every time he thought about the girl he also remembered about the lock he had ever since he could have memories. He felt like he was in the middle of something, but could not quite guess what... He tried hard to remember every little detail about the girl and their meeting. He thought about it night and day, until he remembered : she had a necklace....a necklace with a key...not just any key, a rusty old key that might just ...NO....that fits in the lock!!!! "
What could this mean?"
And in that very moment she entered the room, holding the key, guessing...knowing what He was thinking...
They've put the key in the lock and turned it and with a screeching sound it opened to revel a picture of a bride and groom...they were the bride and groom and they knew...it was love...love that transcended through time, love that survived each generation...a love so strong that could never die...So they did the obvious and got married!
After only one year of marriage they managed to change the entire world with their love, they did a lot of good and some say that their love was so strong it stopped hunger, war and poverty....some say that their love was God itself and other say that their love echoed in the whole Univers...
but that is just a tale...
miercuri, 28 iulie 2010
What tomorrow brings?
Tomorrow is a joy, a gift, a blessing....
Tomorrow....tomorrow is a curse...
Tomorrow is unknown, a surprize, a motive to live...an adrenaline sourse.
Tomorrow is uncertain, strange and wierd...tomorrow is the future!
Tomorrow is the day afer...the day after today, the day after our choices, wishes and dreams, the day after our mistakes and punishments....the day after our sorrow....
Tomorrow brings hope no matter how grim today is.
Tomorrow....tomorrow is a curse...
Tomorrow is unknown, a surprize, a motive to live...an adrenaline sourse.
Tomorrow is uncertain, strange and wierd...tomorrow is the future!
Tomorrow is the day afer...the day after today, the day after our choices, wishes and dreams, the day after our mistakes and punishments....the day after our sorrow....
Tomorrow brings hope no matter how grim today is.
marți, 27 iulie 2010
Dream Land-an insane's person getaway
" - 6 in the morning, must get up! Shower, breakfast and work, work, work....same old thing every passing day...
Friends? Family? No...just me...it's just me and my playmates...they are the ones that keep me sane! YES, my playmates! How can i forget about them?!
- Where my playmates live? Well they live in Dream Land, of course! And every day i visit them and we go on adventures and discover new places, maybe you should join me once, see how it is!
Yes...you should come with me there....OH, i forgot, i have powers there....yes, powers... But they only work in Dream Land! Must not use them in this world or else....
- What powers? The power to WANT! You just want something and it comes true...but their are rules...rules you have to obey or you loose the power to Want!!! Only Bitties have the power to go to Dram Land and only they have the power to Want, that is one important rule...and to become a Bitti...you must sacrifice logic and rationality! Abandon that and join me in Dream Land, you will love there..i love it there...And a little secret...i rule Dream Land, and even if those man in white robes from this world tell me that Dream Land it's not real, don't believe them, they are logicall and rational and don't aprove of it....and you must not speak of Dream Land while they are around or else they will give you bad medicine and put you away...
- The entrance to Dream Land.....Glad you asked... Here it is!!!
Money makes the world go round
Pieces of paper with pictures on it, or round pieces of some metal, that is what leads our lives, gives us power and takes it away, makes us happy or depressed.....MONEY the number one joy-bringer and the number one problem maker!
At the beginning humans were happier, why? Because they were free! Their only worry was to not be eaten and to eat...nowadays thing are more complicated then that. We have properties, houses, schools, jobs and families. We have responsibilities and issues, we have comfortable homes and fast transportation, we have ways of communicating fast all over the world, we have advance technology and our social life has improved way too much...but we only have access to all of these things if we have money.
In order for us to have money we must earn it, and earning money is harder then earning someones respect.
First we need to work for it, so we need to get a job, BUT in order to have a job we need some sort of training in that particular field we want/ are forced to work in. To be trained we need to have a certain age and a certain diploma. To acquire the age is easy, you let time to it's duty, to acquire the diploma you use that time to go to certain schools. In most countries people go to school from an early age, usually around 7, but before that you have kinder-garden ( a place were children get prepared for school and work, they learn to sit down, shut up and pay attention, they are thought to socialize and express themselves), then from the age of 7 'till the age of 18 u are stuck in school, after that you need to go to college, if you want a well paying job, so another 4 years, you might also need a master or a PHD, so by the time you are 27 you are done learning everything you need to know for your job...you can say the training is over.
You get a job, you work hard, you earn money and you spend it on thing that make your life a little better, you pay for food , chelter and clothes and because you are bored with your life you get a hobby, and you spend money on that too. some even need special help to deal with certain problems so they pay money for a shrink or a hooker so you can forget about your trouble caused by/at work...
In the end you make money to spend money on the things that make you forget about the way you are making money...you spend money on money, for money....
You want it, need it, dream of it, make it, give it, loan it, spend it, borrow it, use it...money rules the entire world and each of us is just another willing slave..
One might go so far as to : Money = God
At the beginning humans were happier, why? Because they were free! Their only worry was to not be eaten and to eat...nowadays thing are more complicated then that. We have properties, houses, schools, jobs and families. We have responsibilities and issues, we have comfortable homes and fast transportation, we have ways of communicating fast all over the world, we have advance technology and our social life has improved way too much...but we only have access to all of these things if we have money.
In order for us to have money we must earn it, and earning money is harder then earning someones respect.
First we need to work for it, so we need to get a job, BUT in order to have a job we need some sort of training in that particular field we want/ are forced to work in. To be trained we need to have a certain age and a certain diploma. To acquire the age is easy, you let time to it's duty, to acquire the diploma you use that time to go to certain schools. In most countries people go to school from an early age, usually around 7, but before that you have kinder-garden ( a place were children get prepared for school and work, they learn to sit down, shut up and pay attention, they are thought to socialize and express themselves), then from the age of 7 'till the age of 18 u are stuck in school, after that you need to go to college, if you want a well paying job, so another 4 years, you might also need a master or a PHD, so by the time you are 27 you are done learning everything you need to know for your job...you can say the training is over.
You get a job, you work hard, you earn money and you spend it on thing that make your life a little better, you pay for food , chelter and clothes and because you are bored with your life you get a hobby, and you spend money on that too. some even need special help to deal with certain problems so they pay money for a shrink or a hooker so you can forget about your trouble caused by/at work...
In the end you make money to spend money on the things that make you forget about the way you are making money...you spend money on money, for money....
You want it, need it, dream of it, make it, give it, loan it, spend it, borrow it, use it...money rules the entire world and each of us is just another willing slave..
One might go so far as to : Money = God
luni, 19 iulie 2010
No utopia for humans....

If you are like me, you spend a very good amount of time thinking how would it be if the world were perfect. No hunger, no violence, no economical trouble, humans living in peace, no animals being tortured by humans, no nuclear weapons, no pollution, and the list goes on. Ahhh, yes, Utopia... who wouldn't want to live there? A world where there is no suck level to fight( nerdfighter joke), a world where there are no bad things, a world where you don't need any leaders because the people are all fair and correct, a world without crimes...such a world is possible only in our mind!
The human nature is a mystery, we want to live in a utopic world and the only thing that stops us is our selves! Even if Utopia existed, we can't change who we are! We would destroy it the same way we destroyed this world we live in! Why? Because it is in our blood to destroy, it is in our nature to be part good and part evil, it is in our gens to be greedy, selfish, violent and always destroy that which we do not understand! And even with blood transfusions, gen spliting and environmental change, we still can't change who and what we are no matter how much we try...
Utopia is a dream for a reason, it it impossible to make it reality because of us!
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